Wednesday, October 28, 2009

PJ Day

My little Bella (cat) is sitting on my lap here as I type. Her head is resting on my hand.

So glad I remembered to pack my pj's this morning for Blooming Grove's PJ Day. My slippers didn't match but the kids forgave me. Each class did a fashion show with me MC'ing. Then it was time for singing. I just can't get over how my little friends retain so much. They are little sponges and it is amazing that I get to help fill them up with music and love.

Tonight I am heading to church to help in the children's program. I am a little nervous because it has been awhile since I have volunteered there. Still doesn't feel quite right. But, I know once I start seeing the children it will feel safe and joyful. Wish I didn't have such grown up issues. I saw a friend's post on facebook this afternoon which reminded me of my own situations. It said "What do I have to do to make people take me seriously? Become grumpy? Short tempered? Just because I am joyful and fun loving doesn't mean I am uneducated or flighty." That's how I feel sometimes. Because I relate so much with children, and a lot of adults don't take children seriously, I am disregarded or critiqued negatively. Usually I don't mind that so much. But every so often, it really gets to me.

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