Friday, October 30, 2009

What a day...continued

So, where was I?

On the way to Borders we continued our discussion about SEX. The day began with the kids asking if we could have another child. We explained that Chris had a surgery that prevented him from being a part of making a baby. Then the discussion ensued about whether we had sex any other times besides when conceiving them. And if so, how did we keep from having more kids. So...

Birth Control is the answer to that. There are many forms of birth control. Women can take a pill every day, or have a shot, or wear a patch on their skin that gives them medicine to keep from having a baby. Men can wear a condom. "What's a condom?" Colin asks. Chris says, I have one right here. Do you want me to show you? At that point both kids simultaneously say, "It's time to catch the bus. We have to go."

On the way to Borders, Colin says, "So what exactly is a condom?" I say, "A condom is something a man puts on his penis so that the sperm is unable to get into the woman's body causing pregnancy. It also keeps the man from giving or getting a disease." Further questioning included,

Colin: "What does a condom look like?"
Mom: "It's kind of like a balloon that fits over the penis."
Julia: "When is it ok to have sex?"
Mom: When you are married.

Then I started asking the questions.

Mom: When do you think it is ok to have sex?
Colin: When we are married.
Mom: When do you think you will be married?
Julia: When we are done with college, maybe when we are 25 or so. (That's a relief.)
Mom: When you get married, do you think you will marry a man or a woman?
Colin: Oh Mom, a woman. I like girls.
Julia: Mom, I am going to marry a man.
Mom: How many kids will you have?
Colin: Probably 3 or 4.
Julia: Does it hurt to have babies?
Mom: Oh yeah.
Julia: Mom, why are you saying that? I am not going to want to have kids now.
Mom: I am sorry Julia, it is just the truth. It really hurts. But, there is medicine the doctor can give you so it doesn't hurt so bad.
Julia: I just don't understand how a baby comes out. How does a baby come through that little hole?
Mom: Well your vagina is kind of like a balloon. It stretches out and then like a balloon when the air comes out, it shrinks back to normal size. (I just didn't have the heart to tell her that nothing in that region, (or slightly above) ever is quite the same. I mean if you are lucky, that area bounces back to it's original dimensions, but that belly region, yeah, never bounces back.)
Mom: What do you think you will do when you really like a boy or a girl?
Julia: What do you mean?
Mom: I mean, how will you show that person that you like him or her? Hold their hand? Call them? Just what do you think you will do?
Julia: Kissing is as far as it can go. I don't want to do anything more than that. Holding hands and kissing.
Mom: I appreciate that very much. As you start to feel like you like a boy, or girl Colin, your body might feel things that you don't understand. Just know that your dad and I will want to hear all about it.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't remember ever having a discussion like that with my mom. Maybe they won't remember it either. It could be something that we all block out just so we don't have to think about our parents having sex or knowing anything about it. I love it that we talked so openly about it. I feel like I have to answer questions as they come. But, it seems so early. But, this evening we watched the Thriller video, and then Colin was scanning the music videos on the Direct TV menu. They are so intense and sexual. If their bodies aren't responding now, they will be soon.

What else did I do yesterday? Played with children. My quote of the day comes from a 4 year old who is missing his 2 front teeth.

Miss Rosie: What are you going to be for Halloween:
My friend D: I am going to be a titty.
Miss Rosie: I am sorry, what?
My friend D: I titty, with a tail and ears. I was going to be a fireman, but now I am going to be a titty.
Miss Rosie: Oh, a kitty. That is great. That is awesome.

And it truly was awesome. An awesome moment in my day.

Then headed to the girl scout office to get an orientation so I could be a leader. I wonder if there is a badge for sex education?

Another great day was had today. It's not over yet. Going to visit with my neighbor who has been held hostage by the swine flu that has overtaken her daughter. We are going to meet in her garage, and I will look like I am journeying to the moon with all of my armor to protect me from the germs that are looking for a home to infiltrate and multiply. It was a really great day. Hope I have time to share tomorrow. Halloween! Fun!

1 comment:

  1. Oh MY GOD... I am laughing so hard, but I can't help it!
