I was wiped out yesterday. My legs finally revolted entirely and I was unable to move. Really glad I didn't feel this way on Sunday. I had so many things I wanted to get done. I did do some gardening, and reading of my new book. But, by noon, I couldn't move my legs anymore. Slept the next 4 hours off and on. I have such a hard time getting to sleep at night that I never understand how I can fall asleep so easily during the day. But, I am counting my blessings and am grateful that I was able to rest. The storms came and watered my newest plants, so God took care of everything that needed tended to today.
My emotions have felt a little tossed about over the past couple of days. Lots of change on the horizon gives me so much to be hopeful for, and yet so much to let go of and say goodbye to. I know there are friends that I will never say goodbye to, no matter where I am, ever. There is no distance too great that will disconnect us or keep us from caring for each other. There is a great deal of comfort in knowing that I am loved and accepted just as I am. My dear friends who have watched me move in and out of the scope of who I am and who I want to be will always love me. They have seen me at my best and at my worst, and they love me anyway. My heart breaks for the relationships that I will not have time or opportunity to mend. I do believe God can still work in the midst of all of our lives. So even though the opportunities may not be available during my time in this community, I can absolutely trust that He is in control. Trusting Him means that even though I am sad, I can hope for the time to come when all relationships are reconciled to Him and to each other.
I am thankful that God can handle my sadness and my frustration. He doesn't ridicule me or try to talk me out of how I feel. He doesn't make me feel guilty or shamed. He just loves me and allows me to bring who I am to Him. I am seeking to love authentically and sincerely. Unfortunately, honest communication is not received, accepted, desired, or appreciated. There is judgement which categorizes emotions, feelings, and thoughts as positive or negative, good or bad, right or wrong. Unfortunately, knowing this reality doesn't keep us from feeling one or the other. We are still subjected to the world's disappointments and the subsequent responses of fear, sadness, and emptiness.
So, what to do with these feelings that we know are not "acceptable"? Do we repress them? Do we deny feeling them? Do we pretend we don't know they are there? Do we project the emotions on to other people? Do we distract ourselves from the pain that evoke the negative emotions? Do we pray for God to take them far, far away? Do we loathe ourselves and those around us?
I guess I do a little bit of all those things and probably a few I don't even recognize. But, I am trying to respond a little differently. The truth is I do feel those negative emotions. I feel hurt, sad, angry, fearful, embarrassed, ashamed, frustrated, demeaned, humiliated, and a myriad of other feelings that are not acceptable or right. Luckily, I also feel joy, excitement, energy, happiness, freedom, thrill, and delight. What a wonderful gift that God allows us to feel the full range of emotions. My attempts to balance the range and vastness of these great gifts, we call emotions, may appear as if I am distancing myself from feeling anything. But, in reality, I want to observe and accept the feelings for what they are. Unfortunately, my natural inclination and desire to be connected and in relationship with others will challenge my attempt to deal with the feelings I am experiencing in a more objective, observant, and accepting way.
Relationships are the domain in which we are meant to grow in. Through relating to others, we learn more about ourselves, our world and our God. Unfortunately, I regret, in some relationships I may have taught jealousy, rage, frustration, and disappointment. Though I hate to admit this reality, I do so hoping that I can also accept that not all of the relationship's lessons were completely negative. We are all made with emotions, both good and bad. Even when I am at my best I will fall short of who I want to be and who God desires me to be. This is the essence of my humanity. But, there is grace in forgiveness. Though I may never know if forgiveness has been granted by those that I have hurt, I do know that I have to forgive myself. I also know that God has already forgiven me.
Since my dad has left us, I have had moments of great joy knowing that he is in heaven and he is whole, healthy, and at peace. I am so glad I got to reconcile with him while he was still alive. I know what great gifts I was given in both time and opportunity to process and accept my dad's passing. In the message shared at my dad's funeral in Indianapolis, the pastor spoke of the reality that death brings an end to opportunities. Once death takes the physical life of a person, you can no longer apologize, laugh, cry, forgive, or speak the language of reassurance that validates life and the relationship shared. This spoke profoundly to me.
How many words, feelings, thoughts are left unspoken and disregarded each day because we believe tomorrow will hold the moment we need to share. How many ends come far too soon, stealing the opportunity to speak lovingly and compassionately with those in our midst? How many lives are altered in the blink of an eye, taking the tomorrow away and leaving those unspoken, disregarded thoughts and feelings forever lost? Though I am clear minded and peaceful with my father not being in our everyday physical life, I am broken hearted for those relationships that remain broken. I know it is not time for me to act or speak. It isn't time for me to be a part of reconciling or reconnecting. Prayerfully, I seek the moment that I will be able to ask for forgiveness for the pain I have caused. I don't want the time to come when opportunity is passed by forever.