Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Random Ramblings

Still not completing thoughts enough to write about them, but did observe a few interesting things today.

1. I want a baseball coach. Colin played today, and I was inspired by his coaches and seriously wanted to hire them to walk through life with me. There were 4 guys who were totally attentive to every action, or inaction on the field. There was not a second that went by that a coach wasn't relaying imperative information to the boys on the field. "Lift your elbow." "Move to the left." "Move forward." "Move back." "Plays at first." "2 outs, run on anything." "Slide." "Run hard." "Go to 2nd." You get my point?

If I had a few coaches watching my action in the field, I think they would have a lot to yell about. "Stop talking." "Be quiet." "Relax!" "Listen." "Take a deep breath." "Quit it." "Really?" "Go to bed." "Get out of bed." "Let Go!" There is an endless list of commands that I can imagine the coaches sharing to help me stay in the game. They may even tell me to get out of the game and start a new one. But, we are not given 4 coaches to help us get through our life. Good thing we get Jesus!

2. Keeping a clean house makes me feel good. It isn't as if I want to obsess about it, but I do want to start keeping the house really clean; not just straightened up, but really clean. It feels productive and satisfying to walk through my house and see that things are put where the belong, (most of the time). However, I can't make my kids feel the same satisfaction. They do have to be responsible, and they have to do their share. But, I think I am done trying to convince them that they need to enjoy it or do it out of some sort of inner compulsion. We often have to do things that don't feel good and aren't motivated by an inner desires.

3. I want to move soon. It will be difficult, but it is time.

4. I wish I had a mat in my kitchen that was cushy under my feet. Maybe a whole kitchen floor that were easy on my feet and legs. It sounds ridiculous, but I can't tell you how limited I feel when I am cooking. My legs get so tired. Doesn't matter if I am barefoot or wearing shoes, my legs get so tired. I love cooking and I could spend hours at it. But, after a couple hours of working, my legs are so sore that I can't appreciate the joy that making the meal should create. But, it might just be one more indication that I should strive for balance. Rather than spending one or two days cooking for hours, I should spend an hour or so each day cooking. Such a struggle to balance life.

5. I have way too many shoes. I hate to admit this and I am praying my husband doesn't read this and know that I am openly admitting this truth. I love shoes. I have golf shoes because they were Nike, blue and white, looked trendy and to be honest I thought they were supposed to be walking or running in a rougher terrain. Do I ever run anywhere? NO. Do I walk as a sport? Not currently. And yet, when presented with a bargain, I convinced myself that I needed this pair of shoes. They are golf shoes, size 7, so if you are a golfer, I have a perfectly awesome pair of golf shoes that I shouldn't own and am willing to give away. But, shhhhhhh! I need all the other shoes that I own. The 2 hanging shoe holders, the 2 shelves with 25 cubbies in each one are filled with vitally important shoes that I can't live without. Those that are even remotely unneeded I will keep because, one day, I might need them. Or, maybe, there will be girls going to prom in 10 years that will want some totally awesome, barely worn shoes. It's possible.

Well, that is about all I have for today. Still wondering how to share about my experiences over the past few weeks; great times spent with family, sad times realizing that my dad isn't here anymore, thankful times for all the friends who have reached out to love me and my family, and so many more that I have yet to even categorize. So, until I can see my way through the variety of thoughts and recollections, I will focus and share about the here and now.


  1. Chris HollingsworthMay 25, 2010 at 7:52 PM

    I read it! Your secret is out and I am willing to help GOODWILL out with a variety of footwear selections :) Love you!

  2. I could read anything you write hour after hour. You inspire me more than I could express in words!

  3. Hey Kayla. Yes, we will be moving. Not sure where or when, but it is on the horizon, and God already knows where we, that is, my shoes and I will find ourselves. Thank you Kim. Your pictures inspire me. Honey, my footwear will remain right where they are. I am not prepared to part with them as of now. If I need to rent a u-haul just for my shoes, I will work a second or third job to bring them along.
