Friday, September 24, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Flood Advisories are a common occurrence in the Abilene area. As I understand it, we are in a "bowl". So, I think that we receive water from the higher elevations. The worst rain came when we initially arrived in town. I was in awe of the standing water throughout town. Not exactly sure why it was so fascinating. I just kept seeing the cars drive through the huge puddles and the water going everywhere. Just when I thought, "I am overreacting to this rain situation", our van stalled. Thankfully, it started back up relatively quickly. Today, there is a flood advisory, and a flash flood advisory.

I am not too worried about the weather. It hasn't rained hard today. That being said, I think flash floods occur quickly, with very little warning. Hence, the advanced warning, pre-inclement weather notification. The weather people want us to know to know before we leave the house that the rain may come quickly, and heavily. "Beware", "Be On Guard", "Danger", "Stay Out", "Be prepared to seek higher ground", are the messages communicated through these advisories and notifications.

I would so like to have an advisory/warning for my life. You know, the warnings that would start the day; before words are spoken, actions taken, or decisions made. Like, "Beware of flying negativity, doubt, and false thinking.", "Be on Guard for injustice and hatefulness.", "Danger: Bad attitudes ahead.", "Stay Out: You will lose your cool and end up doing something you will regret.", and perhaps what would be most helpful for knowing, "Be prepared to seek Higher Ground." I would be so excited to have these warnings, the advisories. Perhaps I should assume these things, regardless of the day. Aren't we all bombarded by negativity, doubt, injustice, hatefulness, bad attitudes, raging tempers, and need for Higher Ground. I can look out the window and see the looming clouds, the gray dark gloomy skies and know that I should take precautions. Grab my umbrella, put on a raincoat, and be alert for rising water.

There are cues, signs, and visual indications that bad weather is possible. I see darkness in this world before I even walk out the door. The bickering of children, the status updates on facebook that give warning to the pain and suffering that this world heaps upon good and loving people. There are signs on the news, on the radio, and in our own families that are sirens, flashing lights, dark clouds, and pouring rain, They are the inevitable indicators of a lost world, a broken humanity. It is a heartbreaking reality. A reality of which I pretend to be ignorant. When I walk knowingly into the rushing water, I would like to have an excuse, such as, "I didn't know any better." It will make my cry for help seem more genuine and urgent.

I guess that is my general reason for staying ignorant. I want the excuse. But, regardless of my reason, the truth is, I do know and am educated about the darkness, both from the clouds and from our humanity. Knowing this, I will have to seek Higher Ground ALL the time. Not just when the warning is scrolled on the bottom of the screen or prompted on the radio. It will need to be my constant, unyielding search each moment of each day. For those of us who like to remain ignorant, to maintain our excuses, I could leave this analogy vague and inconclusive. We could both walk away with the vague awareness that if it rains, or if life presents dark moments, we need to stay above ground and out of the danger. But, I don't want to live in ignorance about where I need to go when life is too dark, stormy, cloudy, or altogether disastrous. God=Higher Ground. There is no excuse now. God offers the only ground that will be able to provide safety and protection when the waters of life start to rise. I do realize that he can not give us the cloud to float us out of the danger. But, He does give us the confidence to walk through the storms knowing that He is always with us. He doesn't keep us from getting drenched, or wading into rapids of rising water.

So be on guard, beware and look for Higher Ground at all times. We are not going to be alone in the torrential down pours, nor will be abandoned in rising waters.

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