Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This, I believe

This, I believe.

Not sure if I have one overarching philosophy, truth or thought that concisely represents what I believe. I know if the phrase were, "These, I believe", I would have no problem coming up with an entire book. In an effort to critically analyze my belief system, I will be blogging a series on the topic. Some beliefs may be just an opinion that is not based on anything other than my own belief in its importance. Other beliefs will undoubtedly be based on experience, teachings, and the moral compass from which I was raised. Feel free to comment with your own thoughts and beliefs. As they are only "MY" beliefs, I am sure you restrain from condemning or criticizing. But, healthy debate and challenges are encouraged and welcomed.

Though this initial belief is trivial in nature, I offer it in good fun and believe it may inspire a rousing discussion which will be much appreciated.

Cinnamon dolce lattes from Starbucks are the best. This is an opinion, so some may debate its categorization of a belief. But, since I have challenged the legitimacy of this statement, by testing and retesting, not only other starbucks lattes, but other cinnamon dolce lattes at other establishments; it retains its categorization as a belief and not just opinion. Of course, others, not preferring the taste of cinnamon, will vehemently disagree with this statement. That is the prerogative of each latte drinker.

I have experienced the "seasonal" flavors, and the tried and true "standard" flavors. The Pumpkin Spice Latte has a strong following, and was briefly considered to be a frontrunner in my pursuit of the best latte . It smells delicious; evoking memories of holiday delights from long forgotten times. This is a unique drink combination. It touches the senses and causes recall of special times with family and friends. The Candy Cane Latte is equally satisfying for the same reason. Perhaps the greatest contender against my belief in Cinnamon Dolce Latte's superiority is the White Chocolate Mocha Latte from The Coffee Hound in Bloomington/Normal, Illinois. The unique presentation with the swirling of white and dark chocolate atop the frothy concoction makes it as visually appealing as it is flavorful. But, taste tests conducted by, yours truly, have confirmed that Starbuck's Cinnamon Dolce Latte surpasses rivals in its smoothness, lightness, and overall flavor.

Though this realization as a "truth" in my life may seem insignificant, I challenge you to ask a similar question in your own life. What do you believe? In the small, insignificant matters of coffee, chocolate, and cheeses, where do you stand? Have you taken the time to discern your tastes and challenge your long held traditions and beliefs? Tastes change, and you may have to re access your commitment to current truths and beliefs. Who knows, maybe a year from now I will find an entirely new latte that surpasses the Cinnamon Dolce Latte's relevance and satisfaction level in my life. As I continue to journey forward exploring my beliefs, maybe I will move this thought on lattes to an opinion of relatively little impact on my life. But, maybe, taking the time to be fully involved in the decisions over lattes, I will realize how to take each moment and become involved. What do I believe? Why do I believe? How can I live out my beliefs? For today, I will start by going to Starbucks and purchasing a Cinnamon Dolce Latte, the best latte. This, I believe.

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