Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Saints Day,

All Saints Day is one of my favorite days in the Christian calendar. I am comforted by the knowledge that so many who walked this world before me, suffered and rejoiced just as I do. And one day, I will see them face to face, and we will sing Hallelujahs to our King together. Thank you Father Francis for these words of comfort and hope. Thank you to our Lord who gives us the promise of everlasting life and communion with His saints this day and every day.

Greetings and Grace, CTK Parish Family and Friends.
Here indeed is our Praise and Prayers as we Celebrate All Saints and All Souls Day tomorrow and the day after.

First our Praise.
Who are these like stars appearing, these, before God's throne who stand? Each a golden crown is wearing;
Who are all this glorious band? Alleluia! Hark, they sing, praising loud their heavenly King.

Who are these of dazzling brightness, these in God's own truth arrayed, clad in robes of purest whiteness,
Robes who luster ne'er shall fade, ne're be touched by time rude's hand? When comes all this glorious band?

These are they who have contended for their Savior's honor long, wrestling on till life was ended,
Following not the sinful throng; these, who well the fight sustained, triumph by the Lamb have gained.

These are they who hearts were riven, sore with woe and anguish tried, who in prayerful oft have striven
With the God they glorified; now, their painful conflict o'er, God has bid them weep no more.

These, like priests, hae watched and waited, offering up to Christ their will, soul and body consecrated,
Day and Night they serve him still. Now in god's most holy place, blest they stand before his face.

[The Hymnal, # 286].

Second our Prayers.

O God, the King of the saints, we praise and glorify your holy Name for all your servants who have finished their course in your faith and fear:
for the blessed Virgin Mary; for the holy patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and martyrs and for all your other righteous servants, [whom we now name before you],

Herbert and Sylvia Smith
Jerry and Janet Levine
Carl Smith
Johnathon Elston
Hilda Sand
Bud and Gwen Williams
Joseph and Christian Vogel
Dan Kaufman
Walter Smith
Leota Hodgkins
Charles Hodgkins, Sr.
Ed Ramsey
Lessie Ramsey
Julian Javers
Marianna and Stanley Luczak
Chester and Pear Luczak
Charlotte and Leonard Berger
John Andrews
Mary Weyrich
Raymond Weyrich
Glenna Jean Tippey
James Edgar Tippey
Revd. Bill Mills
Henry Miller
Florence Miller
Donna Brandt
Chad Bryan
John Welch Donalsdon
Gloria and Bonner Donaldson
Bill Davis
Jack Pearce
Isabell L. and Floyd R. Adams
Walton L. Brown, Sr.
Martha Bullwinkel
Rober deVignier..
James and Connie Francis
Kathleen Francis
Pradeep Gaikwad
Prakash Gaikwad
John Ramachandran Gaikwad
Rita Francis
Sara Cummins
Bud Hasslinger
Bernadette Hasslinger
Miriam Deal
Raef Reed
Dorothy Shaifer
Kirbie Brittain
Ron Roop
Doug Gordon

and all others ____________
known and unknown to us;
we pray that, encouraged by their example, aided by their prayers, and strengthened by their fellowship, we also may be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; through the merits of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Father of all, we pray to you for those we love, but see no longer: Grant them your peace; let light perpetual shine upon them; and in your loving wisdom and almighty power, work in them the good purpose of your perfect will; through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.

Grant, O Lord, to all who are bereaved the spirit of faith and courage, that they may have strength to meet the days to come with steadfastness and patience; not sorrowing as those without hope, but in thankful rememberance of your great goodness,
and in the joyful expectation of eternal life with those they love. And this we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

Third, The Promise!
Isaiah 25:8 & 9, "The Sovereign Lord will destroy death forever! He will wipe away the tears from everyone's eyes and take the disgrace his people have suffered throughout the world. The Lord himself has spoken. When it happens everyone will say, 'He is our God! We have put our trust in him, and he has rescued us. He is the Lord! We have put our trust in him, and now we are happy and joyful because he has saved us'."

1 Thessalonians 4:16bff, "The Lord himself will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; then we are who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in
the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. So then, encourage one another with these words."

John 11:25, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. Those who believe in me will live, and even though they die; and those who live and believe in me will never die."

Parish Family, please know in Jesus Christ Life triumphs over death and in all things known and unknown, we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ who loves us, died for us, rose again for us and will come for us and take us all to be with him and all our loved ones who have gone ahead of us so that "we will all reign with HIM forever!"

Soli deo gloria!

Fr. Desmond C. Francis
Rector, CTK parish.

Friday, October 30, 2009

What a day...continued

So, where was I?

On the way to Borders we continued our discussion about SEX. The day began with the kids asking if we could have another child. We explained that Chris had a surgery that prevented him from being a part of making a baby. Then the discussion ensued about whether we had sex any other times besides when conceiving them. And if so, how did we keep from having more kids. So...

Birth Control is the answer to that. There are many forms of birth control. Women can take a pill every day, or have a shot, or wear a patch on their skin that gives them medicine to keep from having a baby. Men can wear a condom. "What's a condom?" Colin asks. Chris says, I have one right here. Do you want me to show you? At that point both kids simultaneously say, "It's time to catch the bus. We have to go."

On the way to Borders, Colin says, "So what exactly is a condom?" I say, "A condom is something a man puts on his penis so that the sperm is unable to get into the woman's body causing pregnancy. It also keeps the man from giving or getting a disease." Further questioning included,

Colin: "What does a condom look like?"
Mom: "It's kind of like a balloon that fits over the penis."
Julia: "When is it ok to have sex?"
Mom: When you are married.

Then I started asking the questions.

Mom: When do you think it is ok to have sex?
Colin: When we are married.
Mom: When do you think you will be married?
Julia: When we are done with college, maybe when we are 25 or so. (That's a relief.)
Mom: When you get married, do you think you will marry a man or a woman?
Colin: Oh Mom, a woman. I like girls.
Julia: Mom, I am going to marry a man.
Mom: How many kids will you have?
Colin: Probably 3 or 4.
Julia: Does it hurt to have babies?
Mom: Oh yeah.
Julia: Mom, why are you saying that? I am not going to want to have kids now.
Mom: I am sorry Julia, it is just the truth. It really hurts. But, there is medicine the doctor can give you so it doesn't hurt so bad.
Julia: I just don't understand how a baby comes out. How does a baby come through that little hole?
Mom: Well your vagina is kind of like a balloon. It stretches out and then like a balloon when the air comes out, it shrinks back to normal size. (I just didn't have the heart to tell her that nothing in that region, (or slightly above) ever is quite the same. I mean if you are lucky, that area bounces back to it's original dimensions, but that belly region, yeah, never bounces back.)
Mom: What do you think you will do when you really like a boy or a girl?
Julia: What do you mean?
Mom: I mean, how will you show that person that you like him or her? Hold their hand? Call them? Just what do you think you will do?
Julia: Kissing is as far as it can go. I don't want to do anything more than that. Holding hands and kissing.
Mom: I appreciate that very much. As you start to feel like you like a boy, or girl Colin, your body might feel things that you don't understand. Just know that your dad and I will want to hear all about it.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't remember ever having a discussion like that with my mom. Maybe they won't remember it either. It could be something that we all block out just so we don't have to think about our parents having sex or knowing anything about it. I love it that we talked so openly about it. I feel like I have to answer questions as they come. But, it seems so early. But, this evening we watched the Thriller video, and then Colin was scanning the music videos on the Direct TV menu. They are so intense and sexual. If their bodies aren't responding now, they will be soon.

What else did I do yesterday? Played with children. My quote of the day comes from a 4 year old who is missing his 2 front teeth.

Miss Rosie: What are you going to be for Halloween:
My friend D: I am going to be a titty.
Miss Rosie: I am sorry, what?
My friend D: I titty, with a tail and ears. I was going to be a fireman, but now I am going to be a titty.
Miss Rosie: Oh, a kitty. That is great. That is awesome.

And it truly was awesome. An awesome moment in my day.

Then headed to the girl scout office to get an orientation so I could be a leader. I wonder if there is a badge for sex education?

Another great day was had today. It's not over yet. Going to visit with my neighbor who has been held hostage by the swine flu that has overtaken her daughter. We are going to meet in her garage, and I will look like I am journeying to the moon with all of my armor to protect me from the germs that are looking for a home to infiltrate and multiply. It was a really great day. Hope I have time to share tomorrow. Halloween! Fun!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What a day

What a day...
Tucked both my kids in to bed and am enjoying some quiet time while I listen to the rain outside. I got a great message from a good friend whose life is moving forward and upward and outward and awesomely. Had dinner with a lot of fun people. My husband had an unexpected 45 minutes so he stopped by to eat as well. Enjoyed a good 40 minutes in Borders and bought a couple new books. The Power of Kindness and what else? Oh yeah, a book about what I should be eating and how I can replace the cruddy food with healthier or at least not as cruddy alternatives. (I am replaying my day in reverse. Hope I remember all the little nuggets of fun.) Spent some time with the kids doing chores so we can enjoy a clean house, bedrooms included, for the weekend.

I will divert from my unnecessarily long retelling of my day for a moment. My kids are finally cleaning out the dishwasher, wiping down the table (which is glass and shows every smudge) and counters, and putting the dishes in the dishwasher with no complaints or grumblings. It is kind of FANTASTIC. I have to keep on top of my own habits now so that I am consistent in what I expect from them by modeling it myself. Now, the bedrooms on the other hand, not progressing in the same manner. I have decided that I will not enter their room (even to tuck them in) unless I can walk into their rooms unhindered. This did seem to get their attention. Getting their clothes seperated (lights and darks) and down to the laundry room isn't usually a problem. But, getting their clothes put away and the miscellanious other items usually causes some grumbling and complaining. But, the fact that their kitchen habits are coming along, though there was initially a great deal of complaining initially, does give me hope that with consistency and perserverence, I will loving tuck my children in every night from now until they are off to college. (I hope I get to tuck them in even after that, at least on vacations, holidays, and special occasions. At least until they're married.)

Which brings me back to my day. Actually, I am going to have to finish tomorrow. Private Practice is my guilty pleasure, for today. But, tomorrow, I am going to take my computer to Panera's, see Armando (my favorite Panera's employee), eat some steal cut oatmeal, and finish my What A Let me just tell you, it will include sex, condoms, pregnancy, and STD's as explained to an 8 year old girl and a 10 year old boy. Good times. I love those little people.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

PJ Day

My little Bella (cat) is sitting on my lap here as I type. Her head is resting on my hand.

So glad I remembered to pack my pj's this morning for Blooming Grove's PJ Day. My slippers didn't match but the kids forgave me. Each class did a fashion show with me MC'ing. Then it was time for singing. I just can't get over how my little friends retain so much. They are little sponges and it is amazing that I get to help fill them up with music and love.

Tonight I am heading to church to help in the children's program. I am a little nervous because it has been awhile since I have volunteered there. Still doesn't feel quite right. But, I know once I start seeing the children it will feel safe and joyful. Wish I didn't have such grown up issues. I saw a friend's post on facebook this afternoon which reminded me of my own situations. It said "What do I have to do to make people take me seriously? Become grumpy? Short tempered? Just because I am joyful and fun loving doesn't mean I am uneducated or flighty." That's how I feel sometimes. Because I relate so much with children, and a lot of adults don't take children seriously, I am disregarded or critiqued negatively. Usually I don't mind that so much. But every so often, it really gets to me.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

He's how old? A recap!

Chris is 40. Thought I would share some of the highlights of the weekend.

My big surprise for Chris began with me at the doctor's office at 7:30am in hopes of missing the flood of Swine Flu victims. Unfortunately, there were already 4 people ahead of me and the clinic didn't open for another half hour. Doctor visit over and 4 prescriptions dropped off to Meijer and I am running home to turn on crock pots full of food.

Adrenaline kicked in at about 10:00am and I was off and running. Went to Party Supply store, then to Cubs, then to Great Harvest. Realized at the Sam's gas station that I didn't have my bank card and or/any other means of paying for gas. Unfortunately, my tank was on empty and wavering between 2 and 3 miles as I drove to Sam's.

(Oh yeah, and when I was in Cubs, I got a call from Vestor who was originally going to come and cater the big bash. But, when the weather looked bleak and the number was lingering around 50, I thought I could handle it. I called him 2 weeks ago, and told him I would go it alone. Told him I would buy the food if he had already purchased it and that we would definitely use him again. So he calls to tell me he is planning on coming to the house around 3pm to set up and get started. Oh my goodness. I felt awful. He said sometimes his phone doesn't forward messages when they come during a time he is at school. Huh? What? I felt soooo bad. But, I had already prepared and had cooking Italian Sausage, Meatballs, and Italian Beef for sandwiches. (And we had delicious veggie soup for our non-carnivore lovers out there.) I ended up going to his house and giving him money and picking up a couple of relish trays he had prepared.)

So back to no money and no gas. So I call Great Harvest. They are so friendly there. One of the young men went outside and found it on the sidewalk. Really? How distracted must I have been? Crazy! I called Chris and worked it out for him to get me cash and to borrow his card, then he would go get my card before a meeting he had. SO I waited in Sam's, couldn't even get a big drink because I had no money. Then I ran over to Vestor's. It's now 3:30pm. Party at 6, Chris home at 5. Still needed to make cheesy potatoes and convert our garage into party central. By the time Chris got home, he knew I was stressed and he figured I must have more on my plate than make dinner for neighbors. He pitched in and helped move the lawn mowers, set up tables and organize the food. He was a good sport, and very thankful. We had about 45 people come and lots of singing in his honor. It was fun to see his students so genuinely appreciative of Chris and his work. Lots of food was eaten, and many laughs had. So, at 4:30am, about the time I finally fell asleep, I was praying for more adrenaline to keep me going. And, I was trying to remember to pick up my 4 prescriptions that I had been prescribed that morning.

9am, brunch in the oven. 10am, neighbors and friends joined for brunch. French toast bake, sausage casserole, pumpkin chocolate chip bread, and lots of coffee. 11am, Rachel the babysitter shows up. Chris was caught off guard and surprised again. I packed his bags in private and snuck them into the car. Told him we were just going to get the day to ourselves and thought we could go to the city for the day. Met his student Peter at his house which thrilled Chris' heart and mine. We really enjoyed spending time with him and meeting some of his performer friends. I felt so disgusting by the time we got to the hotel. I had convinced him that we were going to have to go to the Walgreens bathrooms to freshen up and for him to shave. He grabbed his shaving cream and razor, just in case. Still confused about that one. But we had a hotel, so it was a lot better than a Walgreens bathroom. Dinner at Bucca di Beppos, great Italian family style restaurant. Then we went dancing.I

love dancing. Chris put up with all my wild shenanigans. Including: when the attendant at the hotel offered to give us recommendations or directions for our 40th birthday celebration, I asked her if she could write me a recommendation. "What are you hungry for?" She asks. Rosie's reply, "No, I mean would you really write me a recommendation. I would really like to be the president of the free world. I could use a few recommendations." She thought I was crazy, and he agreed that was probably true. On the elevator we ran into an employee who must have been in charge of restocking the rooms with anything and everything. I told him it was Chris' birthday and we were collecting items to help us remember the weekend. He gave us a Mormon Bible. Seriously! At Bucca di Beppos, the server gave us an autographed plate with his signature and the chef's. He also became my newest facebook friend. In the cab ride to go dancing, I thanked the driver personally. "Thank you Mr. Nebuchadnezzarjuhaributablare" (Something like that). He laughed. So what time was it when we got back from dancing? 1:30am. Good times were had upon our arrival.

Breakfast at 9:30am where Peter challenged me to eat my oatmeal with a knife. Of course I did just that. A stop at the cupcake store then back on the road. WE took our time. We called the babysitter and reminded her to have the kids straighten up. We had done a pretty good job of cleaning up after the party, but there were a few things that were in the sink that I had asked our babysitter to help the kids get cleaned up. We paid her $150. I think it was a pretty good rate. My house was trashed. On top of the few items that weren't cleaned, there was added a pancake pan, a scrambled egg pan, diet drink cans throughout the house. Evidently the kids pulled one over on the babysitter and didn't do a single thing she asked. She had purchased for the kids. (Soda is a special occasion/lazy mom drink.) They had done s'mores over candles at the table and chocolate was under 2 of the chairs. My kitchen needed a good cleaning and I had just enough adrenaline to get that done. Did I mention that my neighbor Diane had actually called on Saturday night and offered to come over and help clean up. Our babysitter said, don't worry about it, she would take care of it. NOT! (Turns out maybe Colin made an executive decision and told Diane that they were on top of the house cleaning.) Obviously my children were safe, and they had fun.

So, about 5pm, I sit down, adrenaline, gone. Hurt all over. My legs hurt so bad. My throat was killing me, and everything caught up with me. So, I go to take my cough suppressent, 2 inhalers and my antibiotics. We did pick them up before we left town, and I got one dose in. Um...evidently they were thrown away at the hotel in an effort to clean the car out so the valet wouldn't realize we were total slobs. No drugs. Gone! Sad Rosie. Sad Chris. No worries. I didn't let it get to me and I reordered them today. No insurance this time. I guess that will teach us to be more responsible.

Chris said several times throughout the weekend how thankful, surprised, and grateful he was. He also said he felt pretty dumb for his behavior of late. Only time will tell if behaviors change. I am so glad that I was able to celebrate his birthday in a way that he would appreciate.I am tired. And, long winded. This novel is brought to you by...Rosie, wife superior! At least today. Please imagine my intonation and inflection. More adventures with Miss Rosie soon to come.