I am supposed to be paying bills right now, but the website isn't cooperating with me, so I will spend a little time here. It is very nice to see the sun shining this afternoon. As I left for church in the pouring rain, I prayed that the sun would find it's way out. And, here it is.
I have been doing a lot of thinking about darkness and light lately. How quickly they both can come upon us. In the blink of an eye, the sun can begin to shine, and the gloom of darkness is cast aside in favor of warmth and light. Similarly, it takes one cloud to overtake the sun, and we are subjected to the darkening sky. Of course I realize that we need the sun to set, and for our bodies to respect the coming of night for rest and restoration. Sometimes, the cloudy, dark days allow us to slow down and rest. You know, those days you want your cozy blanket, some tea, and a good book? The darkness serves a purpose and gives us permission to stop. Our bodies actually yearn to slow down on those dark days, making it difficult to get out of bed.
Unfortunately, the darkness of a day doesn't always end with the coming of sunlight. The darkness that many wander in, myself included, isn't directed by the clock and the rising and setting of the sun. This darkness can loom over your life for what seems like and indeterminate amount of time. In fact, while it is dark, you can't remember what the light felt like. It is also possible to not see a glimpse, a sliver of light to lean towards in an effort to creep out of the darkness.
From a very early age, darkness is something to be feared. It is in the darkness that the ghosts, demons, and spooks exist. Darkness is foreboding and fierce. Though some painters depict darkness in their artwork, it is usually the stars or moon that receive attention. Van Gogh's "Starry, Starry, Night" doesn't focus on the darkness, but on the light the stars offer. So too do we find calm and comfort in our dark moments. It is usually because there arrives a glimmer, a snapshot, a flicker of light to focus on. Only then do we value the intensity and the pervasive nature of darkness. None of us, or at least, not many of us, would choose to exist in darkness. We don't sit in our darkened closets, or our curtain drawn living rooms. Sometimes we tolerate these environments as a means to an end. The darkness encourages our rest, so we pull the shade down. But, even when natural light is blocked, we choose to have a light on. We avoid and avert darkness at painstaking costs sometimes.
What if darkness is where Christ makes himself most known? Only in the solemnity of the absence of light do we feel our weakest and most vulnerable. Whether figuratively or literally, when in darkness, we don't know where to go or how to get there. Often times, in that moment, instead of sitting still and waiting, I begin scrambling and searching for the switch to turn the light back on. You know that literal switch that is right inside the entrance to the room? And too, I search for the literal switch in my heart and mind that will turn the light back on. I have gotten it down to a science. In the dark, I shuffle my feet. I won't lift them off the ground, because I can't see what might be a stumbling block in front of me. I close my eyes so I don't have to admit that I am in a darkness that is out of my control. My hands are outstretched and constantly moving to avoid impact with a foreign object. I know my hands will touch it first, therefore reducing the likelihood of my whole body being subjected to pain. With my heart and mind focusing on escape, I don't have to wait or ponder what the mystery in the darkness holds.
The darkness will always be a mystery to me. I will question its use and validity. On occasion I will allow myself to rest in its presence, but I will not linger long. I will look for a crevice that will allow the light to shine through. I will squint my eyes and search my surroundings for the one escape that will bring light back into the darkness. As the darkness wanders in and out of my life, I hope I begin to find comfort and solace in it. That is asking a lot. It isn't in the darkness that I always "feel" His presence, but when the darkness subsides and the light begins emerging on the horizon that I know God was with me. He sustains me and He protects me.
He protects me from those who don't understand or accept me. He protects me from those whose darkness I don't understand and can't be a light amidst. He protects me mostly from myself. In the darkness, where I am writhing in pain, suffering, and self-pity, God stands guard and lays his hand gently upon my heart. He says not a word, and He doesn't move to dry my tears. He sits. He waits. He cries beside me the most silent sobs. He refuses to diminish the necessity of enduring the darkness. As I continue searching for glimmers of light, He patiently stands guard over my life. He wants me to see His light. Slowly, I realize that there is no light to be found.
His light found me long ago, and it has never left me. Not for one moment has the light been diminished. It is shining within me and through me. As I continue to look towards other people and things for light, I miss out on the light of Christ within me. How can I be His light? I am not worthy or beautiful. I don't want to look at myself and believe that within me lies a light that is strong enough, bright enough, deep enough to sustain my darkest moments. It is in this realization that I see His light. I am certainly not worthy, beautiful or gifted in my own right. It is through Him, with Him, and in Him that light exists and sparkles. I am inspired and delighted in the light of those around me. God does speak through His children. I also know that I must sit quietly in the dark to remember that it is His light within me that strengthens and endures the pain and suffering that is a part of this world.
I pray for those struggling in the darkness this day. I pray for those who need a gentle reminder of the light that they are because they are a child of God. I pray for those who are shutting their eyes and avoiding the darkness in hopes that a spark will eliminate the black void that threatens to overtake their heart and mind. I pray for strength for each of us who knows that darkness is inevitable, unavoidable, and overwhelming. May you feel His hand on your heart. May you sit silently in the darkness and trust that the light you so desperately want and need is within you when you know Him as your Father. May your heart break over and over again for the darkness that surrounds you and those you love. But, may you also feel the light of his love which passes all understanding and sustains your energy and strength.