Good News
As spring arrives, so does good news and tidings of great joy. I am proud to say that I am an aunt to my 5th niece, Aluxandria Kay, 5 lbs. 13 oz. My brother Mike is now raising 3 daughters, and 2 sons. That is crazy. I am proud of those nieces, and my 11 nephews. I have such great memories of growing up with my own cousins. So wish my kids lived closer to theirs. Notice how I say, I wish the kids lived closer, not that we all lived closer. I want my kids to have the kinds of memories that I had growing up, but that isn't where God has led us. We continue to make memories with cousins when we are able. We are also blessed to have many friends who are as close as family to share memories and life's adventures.
These past few days have been great as we shared adventures with our friends. Indoor swimming, putt-putt, golfing, playing, eating and enjoying the comfort and peace that come with moments of acceptance and fun with those you love. It was good news that all the plans fell into place, and that there were no traumas or dramas to deter us from enjoying each other's company. Such a gift.
I also celebrate the good news of a friend who is seeing the sadness of the past turn into joy and blessings. Heart break, shame, and rejection could have swallowed this heart; but, as God does through loving relationships, some healing has come and life is looking brighter. I am particularly excited about this because I was witness to the pain, and now too, the joy. I want to be witness to God's glory and goodness. Sometimes, this isn't God's plan for me. Occasionally, I am meant to see the pain and sorrow, and love in the midst of the sadness. Too often, I feel slighted or pushed aside when the blessings after the suffering are revealed. I know this is sometimes my own fault. Not regulating my behavior or my feelings have caused others to turn away and reject an ongoing friendship out of fear or inability to maintain the energy that was the basis for the relationship. I struggle with this fact, and know that God is growing me to accept His timing, His energy level, and His intentions. But, I am VERY grateful to see that a steadfast, strong, and patient heart which suffered unendurable pain did endure and now is being loved in a relationship that is a gift of God.
Some exceptionally good news also lies in the arrival home of dear friends who will have their 3 adopted children with them TODAY. Yes, today. They have been in Ghana with their children for 31 days, and today they will land in Bloomington, Illinois and begin their family life at home. Wow, how amazing to see God work in these lives. They have been faithful, patient, trusting, humble, and subservient to God's timing and direction. Now, they are parents to 3 children who God knew would be just right for them. God gave these two people wisdom, understanding, and love for these 3 children. I am awe struck by this couple. I am in love with their children. Their little lives were born into a culture and family that is so different from where they will lay their heads tonight. But, God knew they would be together, and He has brought them together to glorify Him. How tired and exhausted they must be. Yet, what exhilaration, abundance, and joy they must be experiencing as the moment draws ever closer that they will be in the home that Christ has prepared for them, together.
Spring is here. The gloom of yesterday is no more, and the hope for tomorrow shimmers in the setting of this day's sun. Today, I rest in the moment of knowing the pain in my heart for the losses of yesterday are dimmed in the hope of what is to come. I am thankful and appreciative for this moment. I can breathe in the joy that this moment brings. I may hurt again in the blink of an eye. I know the pain and sorrow of accepting life's circumstances will be evidenced in the moments that follow this. But, right now, I settle into the feeling that brings me closer to God as I give thanks for the peace that I receive in witnessing His good news.
What family is this that adopted the three children. They are living my life's goal.
ReplyDeleteKayla, the blog on my profile, ghanadopt explains their journey. They had to stop it once they were in Ghana, but it is an awesome couple who ate adopting eemu, Gideon, and patience. Oldest is 8 youngest is 3. Really awesome. I'm going to spend Thursday afternoons with them. I can't wait to talk about adoption with you. I want to come visit you at school sometime, if that would be ok. Let me know when you get home this week. Love you.