Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good Day

Sometimes I have one big thought that I am eager to ponder and sift through, but I can't get any part of it out coherently because I don't know where to begin, or how to tie it together. So, today, I will sift through my thoughts that make no sense together, but somehow have made their way into my mind, and given me much to think about.

1. I buckled this evening and finally turned on the heat. It wasn't because I was particularly cold, but, it is supposed to drop to 19* tonight, and that seems pretty chilly. Though I may not be cold now, I am thinking that the morning might be pretty miserable. I did it. The heat is on. The initial smell that comes when the flame is lit and the fan turns on now wafts through the air.

2. My mom thanked me for a fun day. We went to church, finished getting the house ready to host the high school choir students, served 37 youth after they had been caroling for two hours, cleaned up after the fun, went to Julia's children's program, and celebrated Jared's birthday with his family, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. We were moving from 7:30am-9:00pm. She thanked me for the fun day. I was nervous that she may be overwhelmed with the crowds of people. But, she was grace-filled and beautiful. I love having my mom here.

3. Julia sang beautifully this evening. She had a solo during the program, and she was amazing. It's hard to explain the pride I have for my children. It isn't that I am proud because I have done something to cause their success or ability. But, rather, I am so proud that they have independently chosen to pursue experiences and activities. They both had straight A's on their report cards, they both performed in A Christmas Carol, took classes at the Abilene Performing Arts Company, and eagerly participate in church activities. Chris and I provide support and the framework (or at least we try) so they can pursue their passions and priorities. They initiate and self motivate to get things done. I am so thankful they both love music. To see my daughter choosing to praise God, to know that she learned that music and lives the words she sings; that gives my heart a peace, a pride, and a place to abide with joy.

4. Singing "Mary Did You Know" this morning in worship was an experience that I will recall for years to come. I stood singing these words of awe and splendor as the composer and poet put together the sentiments that so easily could have been Mary, or any other mother at the first moment of seeing their precious child. I felt it. From my own memory, I knew that place of wonder. The amazement and miraculousness that inundates me at the sight of a newborn child is breathtaking. In sharp contrast to that breathtaking joy, the realization that there are children struggling to breathe on their own was very real this morning. A 4 day old baby girl, Emery, born with a heart defect will undergo procedures and potential surgeries to empower her to take a single breath with ease and comfort. This beautiful little girl lives this very moment with the same potential and innate abilities to do miraculous things. Emery's momma will look in her eyes and feel the same hope that Mary felt when she gave birth to Jesus. How can any mother endure knowing the pain and suffering their children will persevere through? Yet, God in His infinite wisdom and strength empowers each to sustain them through the darkness of the night while bringing hope in the light of each day.

5. Giving is the gift. I saw someone post today the question, "Why do we give gifts to each other at Christmas? Isn't it about Jesus, shouldn't we be giving to Him?" Yes, indeed, Jesus is the gift. The gift God gave to each of us, and the gift which we must accept in order to appreciate and experience. Right? God offers us the gift of His Son, but we must accept and own it before we receive all the glorious blessings that gift has to give. When we accept the gift, we can't help but want to share it. I want to give gifts to those I love, because God loved me so much that He gave me Jesus. In abundance and in deprivation, I know that I am loved and that I have a gift that nobody can ever steal, beg, or borrow. Thankfully, I can share and give it to others without losing any part of the blessing.

6. I can hear the voice of my dear friend singing in my ear, "Breath of Heaven". It is beautiful, full of life, and it is an unexpected gift this day shared. As I sang with the high school youth, and heard the voices of the sweet children in the choir, in the back of my mind, I could hear the voice of my friend. It reminded me of the goodness of giving, the innocence of new life, the preciousness of friendship, the joy of music, and the essence of the season. I am praying this evening that the very spirit of the living God that pours over me will move in miraculous ways in your life. I pray that each of us will see the miracles in the eyes of babies, in the voices of children, in the energy of our youth, and in the enduring love of our Father.

1 comment:

  1. Mary Did You Know and Breath of Heaven are too of my favorite "christmas" songs. They just make me so happy.

    I love that your kids pursue their passions with love and support from you and Chris. It's such a good thing.
