I love the innocence of children. When they say something, there are no ulterior motives, no hidden agendas, and absolutely no tact. I heard the greatest conversation between a mother and daughter in the bathroom at Kids Expo today. Never saw the child to see how old she was, but I would venture a 3 or 4 year old. It was a highlight of my day, for so many reasons. It went something like this:
Daughter: Mom will you help me snap my pants and pull up my zipper?
Mom: I would be glad to.
Daughter: Thanks mom. You're my best friend.
Mom: Thanks. You are my best friend too.
Daughter: I am going to love you so well every day of my life.
Mom: Honey, I am going to love you so well every day of my life too.
Isn't that perfect? I know it may not always feel like love for them or for us, but when it comes right down to it, all we can do is "love so well every day of our lives". Now I will share the conversation between my daughter and I before as I was getting ready to go sing a benefit concert for a great organization that connects volunteers with older adults in need. It went something like this:
Me: Hey Julia, what do you think of this dress.
Julia: Wow mom, you look pretty.
Me: Thanks, do you think this part looks ok (as I point to my mid drift area).
Julia: Well, it doesn't make you look too fat, just a little bit fat.
Me: Ohhhhhhh, thanks honey.
Me: Chris, Why didn't you tell me this made me look fat?
Chris: You don't look fat.
Me: Julia just sad I didn't look too fat, which means I look fat.
Chris: I don't think you look fat. But if you don't like it, why don't you try wearing something black underneath it so you can't see that part.
(In my head, I was thinking, "So you do think I look fat. Why didn't you just tell me I looked fat?" But I kept all these things in my heart and pondered them.)
I had 2 awesome red dresses that would have been perfect for the evening of love songs on the day before Valentine's Day. But when I tried them on, guess what? They didn't fit!!!!! Why, you might be wondering? At first I concluded that I had indeed put on some weight that made the dresses a little tighter than they had been. I was coming to grips with this and didn't really need the confirmation from my daughter, but was dealing with it. But, luckily a friend shared the truth about my ill fated red dress night. It went something like this:
Friend: Ah, Chris, you look so nice in your tux. I tried mine on only to find that an invader has come in and shrunk my clothes.
Rosie: Really? That same thing happened to me. I can't believe that I thought it was my issue. Of course, that explains it. An invader is running around town shrinking people's clothes trying to break their spirits and demolish their egos.
Friend: Exactly.
What a relief! I will be back in the red dress. I am not going to expect anyone to come and try to stretch it back out. I will rise to the occasion and shrink myself back into it. Until then, I will continue to ask my daughter for her honest opinion so I can go out in public without looking "too fat".
This is wonderful. That damn clothes shrinking invader! You could try the diet that I am currently on. The one where you packed your schedule from 6:30 a.m-6:30 p.m and not have any time for meals. It works quite well.