Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Can you foot my rub?

I love bed time routine I have with my kids. No matter what the day has been like, everything is set aside to pray and love each other. We have never really struggled with bedtimes. In fact, my kids often remind us that it is time for bed. When we have friends over, my children are known to call us up to their rooms to tell us, "There are people trying to sleep here. Can you please keep it down?". We feel like awesome parents when that happens. I don't know how we managed to not have struggles over bed time.

Maybe it was because there was never an option to fight us on the issue. When they were little, we acted like sleep was the greatest part of the day. Nap time and bed time were celebrated. It is not uncommon for any one of us to get into bed and say in a rather sensuous tone, (which I admit is a little inappropriate, especially at 2), "Ohhhhh, bed, I love you!". Colin and Julia took naps until they went off to Kindergarten. Even now, Julia will take a Saturday and/or Sunday nap. She knows when she's tired and she problem solves the situation. If it seems like I am bragging, I am. I know we can't really take credit for their internal clock that dictates that sleep is necessary. Just as parents who have children who don't need as much sleep can fault themselves for their child's internal clock. But when 8pm and 8:30pm arrive, and my kids are snugly tucked into bed, I am rejoicing and celebrating my accomplishment of having kids who like sleep as much as I do.

Maybe they realized how much we love and need sleep in order to function. Literally, I turn into a monster if I don't sleep enough. My children are not willing to risk their life by impeding my sleep opportunities. And really, the risk is high for loss of life and privileges when they don't get enough sleep. Their attitudes suck the life out of me when they are tired and grumpy. So enough about the joy that is "sleep".

During our night time ritual, we review the day, discuss the future, and pray for the needs that are here and now. Inevitably they both succeed in reminding me of something that I need to do. Whether it is filling out a form, registering for something, responding to a birthday party request, or signing an assignment notebook, they use this one on one time to catch me up to speed. After being reminded of my parental duties, I am allowed to love on my kids.

Julia loves having her face stroked. She likes lots of kisses and hand holding. Colin loves having his head scratched, back scratched and feet rubbed. So thankful that Colin still seems to enjoy this time in our day. Both my kids have heard the same prayer every night they have been with us. It hasn't changed. No matter who comes and goes in our life, the prayer stays the same or is added to, never deleted. When our life is impacted by someone, something, or an event, our prayers reflect the importance. Currently our prayer is: Dear God, thank you for Mommy and Daddy, and Julia and Colin, Oma and Opa, Moo and Pop and Mam-ma, all my aunts and uncles, all my cousins, all my friends from church, and all my friends from school, Megan and Bailey, and David and Brandy, the Wey's, the Hewerdine's, and Stempinski's. We pray especially for Bill, Sally, and Megan, the Cruse family, the children, survivors and people of Haiti. And dear God, we thank you most of all for Jesus, who loves Julia/Colin so much. Amen. Good night. No matter what has happened, once you are in the prayer, you stay in the prayer. Sometimes when we are done with this prayer, we will add specific concerns. Recently Colin has added June into his prayers. She lost her husband, Walt, a couple weeks ago. He has a very soft spot for this beautiful lady.

There are a lot of "I love yous" during our nightly routine. Chris and I go in separately. Both kids will call us in if we get caught up in something, (like fb, or tv, or reading).

Side note: It is 7:51pm and my son just walked through the living room announcing he is going to bed. I am not joking. I love that boy. I better finish up here.

So, to the title of this blog. Last night I was rubbing Colin's feet and I started to walk out. Colin says to me, "Mom, can you foot my rub?" He lost it and started belly laughing. We both were so tickled. I did "foot his rub", and then I gave a great sigh of relief. Relief that I have my Colin who is challenging and frustrating, but also tender hearted and kind. Relief, that I have Julia, whose sweet, humorous disposition balances her moody, flightiness. Relief, that the people in our prayers are and have been a part of our lives. In addition to relief, I can say that I am grateful that my children have a vast network of family and friends who are a part of their lives. Whether they were only meant to be a part for a brief time, or for a life time; I appreciate the influence and love shared. Our lives will be influenced and altered by many more relationships in the years to come. In advance, I am praying for the hearts of those who will be a part of our family's lives. Our prayers will be added to and our lives will be enriched. I am going to say prayers now. Maybe I will "foot his rub" again tonight. So funny.

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