Thursday, November 5, 2009


I am running on a few hours sleep so I haven't really processed too much of what I experienced today; and I have concluded, that is ok. Sometimes processing is overrated. But, a few things I did notice:

1. I saw a man with the longest neck I had ever seen.
2. I also saw a man with the biggest forehead that I had ever seen. I notice foreheads, and this was definitely the largest I have ever seen. No judgement meant in either observations.
3. Walking 10,000 steps takes a concerted effort. I spent two days walking my usual routine. My highest number of steps was 4000'ish steps. So obviously, 10,000 took some thinking. But it was really fun. I spent time on ISU's campus both before and after having lunch with Chris. It was a beautiful fall day.
4. I don't remember my college campus quad being as quiet as ISU's quad was today.
5. Walking in loafers with a slight heel feels ok for about 4,000 steps, but after that, not so good.
6. I like Barnes and Noble at 9am in the morning. And, I really like planning Christmas concerts for my little friends while enjoying a cup of decaf coffee at Barnes and Nobles. (FYI: Blooming Grove Day at Barnes and Noble is this Saturday. Stop by and buy.)
7. I believe Hockey should be a required sport for husbands and wives; only without the blades, the sticks, and the ice.
8. When working with my 3 year olds, I realized that we have a very narrow scope of what animals were at the manger when Jesus was born. I bet that the lions, tigers, hippos, butterflies, dogs, cats, and giraffes were there in addition to the traditional animals. They probably stopped by, paid their homage and moved on.
9. Having an unexpected gift of time today was very special and appreciated.
10. I miss the friends that I don't get to see or talk to very often.

I am looking forward to some quality time with a friend and her baby tomorrow. I am planning on getting lots of rest and making a delicious lunch.

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