My prayer for each of us is to not take only this one day to cling to the hope and promise offered through the gift of God's son, but that we would each grasp and hold tight to the truth that enables us to love beyond the limits of our own heart and mind's understanding. I can't shake the thought that our world is meant to know so much more about acceptance and value of each other; not based on ideology or religion, economics or politics, but based on a love that supersedes all human understanding. At Christmas time, we are presented with opportunities to slow down the pace and focus on family, friends, and food (sorry, you and I know it's true). In the verses sung and heard through carols and songs throughout the world, we are reminded of our humanity, and God's awesomeness and abundance. I have sung this verse, recited it in my heart, and prayed it for my family and friends with a fresh awareness and eagerness.
Truly He taught us to love one another. His law is love, and His gospel is peace.
So often I find myself lending my own judgment and rationale into situations and circumstances that have absolutely no bearing or credence to anything. If only I could be reminded in those moments that God's call for me is to love, just love. I am not called to make choices for others, or decide if the choices they make are right or wrong. My call, God's call for each of us, is to love one another. I am so encouraged that He isn't asking me to carry another's burden, but to love them and to reconcile my actions with His heart of love for all people. I can't wait to follow where He leads. So often I think I need to know where that is. But I ask you to pray for me as I let go of the "need to know", and just follow Him into the next minute. I look forward to experiencing the peace that comes from loving under the rules of God's love.
Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother. And in His name, all oppression shall cease.
I love the visual of chains breaking. Can you imagine the clanging of chains falling to the ground? Can you imagine hearts of brokenness and humiliation, degradation and anger dissolving into common hearts united in serving one another? Not for the benefit of a paycheck or acclaim, but just because we belong to each other, as family. I would love to hear those sounds! I ask you to pray for my heart. There is brokenness and pain that separates me from my family, friends, and neighbors. Some discord I know so well as they are circumstances stamped into my soul as constant reminders of my own human failure and inability. And yet, there are circumstances, where in my own ignorance and lack of awareness, I have caused chains of hurt and sorrow that I don't know how to address, let alone break loose. Such pain is what so many hearts struggle to understand and reconcile.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we. Let all within us praise His Holy name.
Maybe it's the response to love and freedom that erupts into song that I most relate to in these lyrics. I do imagine singing each and every day with a freedom and ease that will make my high C's not sound like a dying cat. It's a lot to ask, but, I have a feeling that's what will happen on the day I leave this world and enter into the realm of peace and joy that God designed for each of us when He created the world, but which we can only experience when reconciled with Him. What thrills me even more, is that all the folks who look at me like I am a dying cat when I sing those high notes, will potentially appreciate my singing, and may even respond to God's goodness in like fashion. I am currently imagining a few people who claim to not have such great voices, all of a sudden, opening their mouths and hearing a beautiful, glorious sound erupting from deep within their bodies. Shock and amazement, and some pretty hilarious expressions.
Christ is the Lord. Oh, praise His name forever. His power and glory evermore proclaim.
In the beginning, and in the end, this is indeed the truth. Christ is the Lord. God loved us so much, He gave us His son, Jesus, in the form of a baby, to walk this world. He knows each need, He loves each of us; just because...no matter what...even if...! No matter what scenario you use to fill in the blanks, He is still going to love you, and He is still going to love me. I assure you that I have tested the limits of His love through my own behavior, ideology, judgment, criticism, hatred, brokenness, and my humanity. I know that I am not done testing. As surely as I sit here writing of this great love for Him, and my awareness of His love for me; I know that I will stray into darkness in thoughts, words, and deeds. Some of this darkness will appear as light that I will enter ignorantly. Some will have blazing red neon lights with the words, "DANGER", "STAY OUT", "NO TRESPASSING", or "DO NOT ENTER". And still, I will look around and think, "Are you talking to me? Surely you don't meant that for me." God will love me even then. Please pray for me to see those warnings, and to turn to His light instead of walking into the darkness of my own human need and desire. His law is love, and His gospel is peace. That is the light that I choose this night. It is beautiful and warm. It is safe and secure, and it is a place that each of us can claim, moment by moment. My prayer is for your heart at this moment to abide in His love, and choose to love in response.
I love you, I miss you, and I wish you a very Merry Christmas.